Monday, 21 June 2010

An apple a day...

Many moons ago, we planted an apple pip in a small container at work. Fast forward two years, and that apple pip has become a huge, 2m tall tree. Apply. She has far out grew the office and has no room to get any bigger- one might say it hit the proverbial glass ceiling!

Anyway, ceilings aside, we realised the best thing for it, what with our new bit 'o' land, was to move it to the great outdoors. We're sure it's going to flourish from a bendy stick-like thing with leafs into a real tree, and hopefully even fruit in the next few years.

That shabby looking scarcrow was camping out under the weeds when we moved in - it seemed cruel to smash it up and bin it. Plus, it probably scares off the local kids from trying to retrieve thier footballs after seeing a bunch of men hanging out with this straw-haired transvestite.

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